zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Level 3 Hello, can you help me with finding … option a), b), c) or d) Hi, I’m looking for … option a), b), c) or d). Do you have any recom­ mendations? 2 Well, I need something that is a) appropriate for work b) not made with leather or wool c) very responsive d) able to print high quality images at home 4 No, I’d prefer something with/ like… No, that is: a, b) too oldfashioned, too boring, cut badly for my body type, ugly, too casual, too formal… c, d) too expensive, not what I need… 6 (Almost perfect!) Yes, that is close to what I need, but I would like: a, b) another colour or fabric c, d) a different brand, more precision… 8 Hello, is there anything I can do for you? How can I help you today? How may I help you? 1 Tell me a little bit more about what you are looking for. 3 Well, we have a few different options that could work. Let me see. We have… 5 Would something like (this) work for you? How about this? 7 Use the phrases to build your own conversation. Only choose one option per conversation phase. • Situations: The customer is shopping for: a) a nice work jacket  b) vegan shoes  c) new guitar strings  d) a new photo printer • Cost is not the most important factor to this customer, they want the perfect thing. Phase 1: Greeting your customer politely Phase 2: Finding out what the customer would like Phase 3: Presenting items to the customer Shop assistant Customer Tip Be friendly! A smile and a willingness to try is better than great vocabulary. If you don’t know what a customer means, ask them to tell you a little more about their needs. It’s great to add a personal touch to a sale, but never make a joke that could be offensive to your customer. 166 zielsicher – English Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv