zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Asking for the manager Returns (difficult customer) (shows damaged merchandise or merchandise that does not come from the store.) Level 2 Hello, I need help with my account. I called earlier and was told I should speak to the manager. 2 I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you can return that item here. 3 Our return policy is that we accept merchandise up to 30 days after purchase, as long as you have the receipt. 3 I see. Would you like to exchange it, get store credit, or have cash or a credit note back? 7 Ok, please fill out and sign this return receipt. Here’s your refund. 9 Why are you returning …? Would you like to replace it with a different item? 5 Hi there, how can I help you? 1 Hello, can I help you today? 1 One moment, I will get the manager for you. 5 You’re welcome, bye! 11 Hello, may I help you? 1 I hope so, I’d like to return this (item). What’s the store’s policy? 2 Hello, I ordered something from (the store) and I’ve decided I don’t like it. I want to make a return. 2 I want to talk to the manager. I think you should accept this return. I want my money back. 4 Ok, I bought/purchased it last week. Here is my receipt. 4 I’d like to have cash back, please. 8 Thank you! Bye! 10 I thought that the product would (fit with something I have at home, look nicer, sound better etc.) but it just doesn’t work for me. I don’t think I want to replace it. 6 Ok, let me get the manager to help you with that. 3 Shop assistant Customer 165 Shopping dialogue phrases Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv