zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Find out some key facts about your school and write them down. Include: • Name and address of your school • Number of students per year • The name of the headmaster • Professions taught • Number of students in your class • How classes are held Vocational education in Austria, the UK and the US. Divide the class into groups of 3–4. Each group thinks about the advantages and disadvantages of the education system in one of these countries – Austria, the UK or the US. If you want, you can choose other countries as well. Then report to the class and collect the information on the blackboard. Look up a vocational college in England or a job training program in the USA. Make notes about how to apply, English language requirements, tuition fees and repayment, accommodation, student life. Present it to your class. Look up the lyrics of Eminem’s song “Brain Damage” Write down all the things that describe bullying. harass you, shove you, beat you, break your nose, bang your head against the wall, grab you, choke you, tease you and call you names, take or break your things, steal your money Work with a partner. Can you think of other forms of bullying? Do you agree or disagree with these comments on bullies? If you disagree, rewrite the sentences so that they agree with your opinions. Then add an extra sentence to each point that explains more of your opinion. a) Bullies are sad people. b) If you fight back against a bully, he/she will stop bullying you. c) Bullying is a part of school life. It does no real harm. d) Bullies have mental problems. e) Teachers should do more to stop bullying in classrooms. f) Boys are worse bullies than girls. g) Bullying stops after people are eighteen years old. h) Bullies should be arrested by the police. In a group, create a skit about a situation similar to Lisa’s. How does your main character decide to deal with the bullies? Does he or she inform the police, or is the situation mediated? Present your skit to the class. If you feel brave and confident, film it! 10 A1–A2 11 A2–B1 12 B1 13 A2–B1 14 A2–B1 15 A2–B1 16 Unit 2 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv