zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Step 7: Be prepared. Be truthful: Don’t let difficult questions leave you speechless! Here are some of the most common questions asked in job interviews. Work in pairs and match up the ideas below for you to adapt to yourself and your partner. Try to use the 5 magic words as often as pos­ sible to sound confident and truthful with examples ! 1. F  Can you tell me about your present job? 2. B  What is the biggest success you have had? 3. A  How would your boss describe your work? 4. C  What is your greatest strength? 5. D  And what are your weaknesses? 6. G  Why do you want to work for us? 7. E  Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? A  “Well, he says I am good at working to deadlines. I arrive early so I can plan my day.” B  “My biggest success is learning new things, like having a good manner with customers.” C  “My main strength is I truly enjoy working with people, so I am able to stay friendly and patient, even when customers complain”. (give an example) D  “I used to be late all the time, so now I set all my clocks and watches too fast at odd times (7, 9, 11 mins), so that now I’m never too late as they are all different.” E  “As I have recently completed my training, I’m really enthusiastic about using those skills to gradually take on more responsib­ ility and challenges. Eventually, I’d like to be a manager.” F  This is where your future employer gets an idea of not only what you do, but of how you diligently organise your work, and if you seem to enjoy it or not. (give examples) G  This is your chance to use the information you have collected on the company and to sell yourself and show your enthusiasm for the job. E.g. “I am impressed with the quality of your products/services. I’m confident I can contribute to the further success of your company.” Step 8: Your questions to the interviewer An interview is a twoway process. Write down job related questions you could ask … Don’t be silent or say “no” when they ask you if you have any questions! Prepare some. Should you ask the following questions or not? Yes No What will I be expected to do exactly? (Job Description) How much will I be paid? No, better at 2nd interview. Does the company offer any other benefits to its employees, such as pension plan or sports facilities? Please can you give me a deadline for your decision? No better to say: “Please can you tell me when you expect to make a decision?” Can you give me some idea of the next steps in the recruiting/ hiring process? Is there an office dress code? Yes if appropriate. 05 A2–B1 Tip • Do not answer questions with a simple “yes” or “no;” always give an example . • Present your weaknesses in a positive way, saying how you overcame them. Use past forms and “Used to be …” 06 A2–B1 Tip • Smile! Say: (A polite and positive close) • If the company feels like a great place to work, let it show . End the interview on a positive note. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time. It was very nice to meet you, Mr Jones. I certainly am interested and enthusiastic about working with your company. ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 158 Unit 28 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv