zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Read steps 4–6 of the “The 9 steps – plan of action” Then decide whether the statements below taken from steps 1–6 are true or false. S: That seems like a good idea. So now the interview steps? MB: Step 4: Make a good first impression. You only have 6 seconds to do this … so make sure it is a good one! S: How do I do that? I’m sure I’ll feel too nervous. MB: Practice acting confidently as you enter a room. S: So, I “fake it ’till I make it”, even if I’m nervous, you mean? MB: That’s what they do in the English speaking world! So on to Step 5: Relax and communicate . The first few minutes will seem like informal small talk, but use it to your advantage. S: Can you give me an example? MB: A typical question is “Did you have any problem finding us?” You could reply “No, the Google map/your directions were very clear and I gave myself plenty of time.” S: Yes, that sounds good. MB: This leads on to Step 6: Sell yourself . You are also at the interview to sell yourself and your special talents. S: Do you have any good, easy-to-remember tips on that? MB: Yes. Use the 5 magic words at least once during your inter- view; 1 from each of the C.M.A.D.E. pairs. Tap with your fingers on your knee, as you use one from each letter pair. S: Does that really work? MB: Yes, it’s the very best tip you can have in any interview! Interview tips true false 1. Dressing well is a sign of respect. 2. Clean shoes, hair and fingernails … the little details will be noticed! 3. You have longer than 6 seconds to make a good first impression. 4. Act confidently, even if you feel nervous. 5. Pay attention to the small talk and use it to your advantage. 6. Prepare some basic answers in advance and learn them. 7. Learn how to sell yourself using the 5 magic word pairs. 8. Don’t tell the interviewer about your talents. List the 5 magic word pairs below from the previous chapter and remember them! Use the 5 magic word pairs to talk your way into a job. Every employer wants to hear them! C C onfident  (adjective)/ C onfidence  (noun) M M otivated  (adjective)/ M otivation  (noun) A A ttidude  (noun)/Having the r ight a ttitude  to the job D D iligent  (adjective)/ D iligence  (noun) E E nthusiastic  person (adjective)/ E nthusiasm  (noun) for the job 03 A2–B1 listening s9zs72 Word bank impression Eindruck “fake it ’till you make it” simulieren, bis man es es schafft advantage Vorteil sell yourself sich verkaufen talents Talente Tip Take with you copies of your certificates, CV (Curriculum vitae) in English and German and samples of your work if you have them. Many British and American companies ask for testimonials and references so bring these addresses or phone numbers with you, too. ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 04 A2–B1 157 Talking your way into a job 28 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv