zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Read part 2 of Stella’s (S) conversation with Ms Bailey (MB) and summarize the 8 rules for success. The “8 rules secret of success recipe” for “interview-getting” S: So how about the application letter? What should I write? MB: Anything that makes you sound special and exactly what they are looking for, highlighting points from your CV. S: So, how do I make me sound special? I’m so ordinary. MB: Just follow my “ 8 rules secret of success recipe” . S: That sounds good. What are these 8 rules for success? MB: Rule 1: Address the letter to a real person. (Telephone or use the internet to find out the name of the HR manager, or CEO.) Rule 2: Open with an attention-grabbing first sentence to grip the reader. This will ensure your letter is read. Rule 3: Remember 1 page only … less is more … Leave lots of white space. Make every word count. Keep it short and sweet. Rule 4: Focus on what you can do for the employer . How can you help their company? Tell them simply, using your CV. Rule 5: The biggest secret is to use words that show your enthusiasm and passion for the job. S: Can you give me some examples of words to use? MB: Yes … Rule 6: Use one from each of the 5 magic word pairs from the C.M.A.D.E . set, at least once in your letter. C Confident/Confidence M Motivated/Motivation A Attitude: having the right attitude to the job D Diligent/Diligence (attending to details) E Enthusiasm for the position /Enthusiastic person etc. S: Writing one from each of these word pairs really works? MB: Yes, it’s the best secret for success at getting interviews! Then, to end the letter positively, use the last 2 rules. Rule 7: Request 1 action: e.g. Ask for an interview, soon. “I would really like the opportunity for a personal interview, soon.” Rule 8: End with something enthusiastic like “I look forward to being interviewed at your earliest convenience.” S: Do you have an easy-to-adapt letter like that, I can use? MB: Yes. I’ll email one that you can change to suit you & your CV. Mosaic Translate the “5 magic word pairs” below into German … and remember them! Use your favourite translation tool. Then make a little drawing that helps you remember them. C C onfident/ C onfidence  Selbstvertrauen S M M otivated/ M otivation  Motivation M A A ttitude: means having the right A ttitude to the job  richtige Einstellung E D D iligent/ D iligence (taking care of small details)  Sorgfalt S E E nthusiasm for the position/ E nthusiastic person etc.  Enthusiasmus E 12 A2–B1 listening 4m6u8v Word bank address Briefanrede HR manager (human resources) Leiter/in der Personalabteilung CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Geschäfts­ führer/in attention-grabbing aufmerksamkeits­ erregend grip the reader den Leser „packen“ every word counts jedes Wort ist wichtig focus on sich auf etwas konzentrieren enthusiasm Begeisterung passion Leidenschaft confidence Selbstvertrauen the right attitude die richtige Einstellung diligent/diligence sorgfältig/Sorgfalt enthusiastic begeistert opportunity Möglichkeit earliest convenience schnellste Gelegen­ heit Tip The subject line of the application letter should have: the name of the position and where the advert was placed as well as the date. This saves you filling up valuable white space with unnecessary words. (Secret success rule 3!) Write “5 magic word pairs” (from the C.M.A.D.E. set) at least once in your letter to maximise your chances of getting an interview. They are great for using in the atten­ tiongrabbing opening sentence. (See online help file!) The “5 magic word pairs” work in German as well – the acronym is “S.M.E.S.E.” 153 27 Applying for a job Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv