zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

You need to show you have a wide range of skills, abilities and achievements. Match up the material needed to be put in each section. 1. F Education/Training: qualifications gained from each school … number of subjects at what level 2. H Work experience: dates, positions, company responsibi­ lities and duties … Plus what achievements you had in each job. 3. A Job-related / other skills and certificates e.g. Driving license or Red Cross 1 st Aid 4. C Language skills: Native speaker C2 / Fluent C1 / Intermediate level B2 and B1 / Basic knowledge A2 and A1 = lowest* 5. D Digital competence / computer skills: Word, Excel, Power Point, Facebook 6. G Organisational /managerial skills / soft skills: leadership, teamwork, self motivation 7. E Intercultural skills / additional information: experience and travel 8. I Hobbies and interests 9. B Ability to adapt to change Now go to the Europass website and download the template in English with the instruction pdf document. Looking at the German version may help you, too! 02 A2–B1 Word bank achievements berufliche Leistungen testimonials Arbeitszeugnis position Arbeitsstelle responsibilities Verantwortlichkeiten soft skills soziale Kompetenz/Soft Skills certificate Zeugnis licence Genehmigung, Lizenz permit Erlaubnis empathize sich in andere einfühlen voluntary freiwillig commute pendeln ethics ethische Einstellungen H Any employer will want to know about your work experi­ ence and achievements. I Hobbies and other freetime activities are most interesting to employers, when they show your personality and ethics, or they provide you with extra jobrelated skills e.g. creativity, environmental awareness, flexibility, goal orientation, leadership, teamwork, social responsibility, technical expertise and time management. G  You need good soft skills that will really help with your colleagues, as well as your clients e.g. being friendly, communicative and able to empathize. A  Your certificates, licences or permits may have come from a different type of institution than school or college. Don’t forget your personal certificates from free time interests, clubs, voluntary organisations or sporting activities. C  To work in an international world, you must have foreign language skills. As well as English, add any other languages you can speak and/or write. B  The only certain thing about the world of work is that it is always changing. The ability to be able to change is important for career success e.g. to move to another place, work overtime in busy periods, be willing to commute for the job you want. F Education is the basis of your career … where did you go to school and what qualifications did you get? Diplomas and certificates are formal proof of your training. D All jobs nowadays need computer skills. Most employers want their staff to have basic office programs experience and to be able to use the internet. E  In the global business world, intercultural skills are now very important. Some people get these skills through work or study abroad or by travelling generally. Maybe you have worked with foreign colleagues, too. * see also page 2 03 A2–B1 151 Applying for a job 27 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv