zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Listen to the interview between Stella and Ms Bailey, her job coach. Match the following questions with the answers. 1. What two things did Ms Bailey tell Stella to send out to apply for a job? A the Europass word file 2. What “story” does your CV tell? B personal details, education and work experience 3. What does the application letter highlight? C her hobbies & freetime activities 4. What can you find on the internet to help you fill in your CV? D why you are confident you can do the job 5. What special tips did Ms Bailey give Stella about filling it in? E computer and language skills 6. What details will it show? F CV & letter of application 7. What extra abilities and skills will it show as well? G your academic and professional life so far 8. What must Stella not forget to include? H replace or erase any headings with her own information Read the job advertisement on the right. Underline or highlight all the information about the company in one colour and personal skills in another colour. Should Stella apply for the job? 01 A2–B1 listening 8mb4eh Word bank Introduction job vacancy offene Stelle unasked-for hier: blind application letter Bewerbungschreiben job centre Arbeitsmarktservice 01 CV = curriculum vitae Lebenslauf highlight hervorheben confident überzeugt, (selbst)sicher form Formular replace ersetzen erase löschen education Ausbildung work experience Berufserfahrung abilities Fähigkeiten skills Fertigkeiten Retail Assistant needed for New Interior Design & Decor Shop General retail duties and an ability to speak reasonable English. Holly Potter customers need help and advice on their interior design needs with an English flair so knowledge of the British scene is necessary. Willingness to work on projects with customers on an individual basis.Interviews to be held in Salzburg in 2 months time. Pay according to Austrian Collec- tive Labour Agreement scales. Send application letter and CV to Human Resources Dept. Holly Potter Design & Decor Ltd., 15, Main St., Hamilton, Cheshire, LL53 4QN, England Applying for a job Although Stella has sent off lots of job applications from newspaper ads, job vacancy internet sites, and even unasked for applications to companies, she can’t seem to get an invitation for an interview. All her friends have already had interviews. She wonders what she is doing wrongly. … Fortunately, she has an excellent job coach, Ms Bailey at her local job centre, who might help her. Can you give her any tips that you used to get an interview? 150 Unit 27 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv