zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

A lot of young people work in a country within the EU. Where do these people come from? Write the country into the speech bubbles. Which countries within the EU are not mentioned? Name them. Then write a similar sentence for Austria. Opportunities for working abroad Listen to these young people. Where are they, what is their job? What are the benefits? What is the downside? Mark Ellen Sandra Country: Ireland USA Barbados Work: taking care of goats taking care of children conservation of sea turtles Benefits: make and eat ice cream, learn about life in Ireland and goats learn about life in USA, be part of an American family, pay is good learn about life in the Caribbean and the conservation of sea turtles Downside: no pay homesick work mainly at night Mosaic What same word can you insert into this sentence for it to make sense? A year abroad is not a year in a  life  , but a  life  in a year! 06 A2 Tip • Free movement: EU nationals enjoy equal treatment with nationals in access to employment, working condi­ tions, social and tax advantages • In 2016 the British voted to leave the EU. How this is going to be put into practice needs to be negotiated first. My country is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, to the east of Sweden and Denmark. Our neighbors are Latvia, Belarus and Poland. Lithuania My country is famous for its breakfasts and its pubs. And the countryside is very green! Ireland I come from a warm country. We like to have a siesta between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. We love tapas! Spain I live in the smallest country in the EU. It is a group of islands! Malta Where I come from the winters are cold and dark. A country next to mine is not in the EU. Sweden If you come to my country you have to taste our beer, sausages and rye bread. Germany In my country you can find more than 1000 islands and a beautiful coastline! Croatia Austria 07 A2–B1 listening 2fx4wk Word bank organic farm BioBauernhof volunteer sich freiwillig melden, Freiwillige(r) grazing area Weide herd Herde hüten charges hier: Schützlinge sea turtle Meeresschildkröte nesting habits Nistgewohnheiten 147 26 Working abroad Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv