zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Look at Linda’s top five reasons for going abroad. Match the pictures with her statements! What other reasons can you think of? I wanted to experience a new culture. 2 I wanted to experi­ ence life with other likeminded young people in an inter­ national setting. 4 I wanted to improve my English. 1 I wanted to meet new friends from all around the world. 3 I wanted to develop my potential and realise my dreams. 5 1 2 3 4 5 Look at the benefits when spending some time alone in a foreign country. Decide whether these are educational benefits (E), personal benefits (P), or career benefits (C). Underline all the skills you will gain from working abroad. Learn about career options you haven’t thought of before. C Gain experience and maturity through challenges you face when abroad which takes you out of your familiar surroundings and “comfort zone”. P Understand another culture and come to better understand your own culture. E Learn a new language or improve your language skills through practice. E Demonstrate your capacity to cope with change which is valued by your future employers. C Develop increased selfconfidence and a sense of selfreliance. P Enjoy the excitement of living in another country with the support and security of a host family. P Experience the benefits of a work placement abroad long after you return home as someone who is different from other applicants. C Experience the stimulation of working in a new working environment. E Greater general knowledge and understanding of global issues. E Make new friends that will last a life time and who will help you understand the world through “new eyes”. P career benefits personal benefits educational benefits 03 A2 04 A2–B1 Word bank maturity Reife capacity to cope Fähigkeit etw. zu bewältigen self-confidence Selbstbewusstsein self-reliance Eigenständigkeit applicant Bewerber/in stimulation Anregung global issues Themen, die für die ganze Welt von Bedeutung sind 145 Working abroad 26 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv