zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Are you ready for a work placement abroad? Listen to Linda helping Robert to find out. Write his answers into the first column. Then write your answers in the second column. Robert me Do you have maps on the walls instead of posters? Yes Is English your favourite subject? Yes Do you like change? No Do you hate monotony or routine? Yes Have you ever thought about different cultures? Yes Do you hashtag # wanderlust constantly? No When you take small trips or travel, do you wish you could learn more about daily life there? Yes Do you enjoy trying new foods? Yes Are you friends with somebody from another country? No Read Linda’s story and underline everything she finds different from home. I spent my work placement in London and I must admit I was very nervous at first. I was anxious whether I could be without my family for so long. Rachel, a colleague and one of my flatmates (there were two more) met me at the airport in London. Everybody was very friendly and welcoming! My work placement was at a branch of my supermarket chain. I was amazed at how different yet at how similar everything was to my workplace at home! First of all, the food is very different: English people love white wheat bread and the slices are much larger. The milk is sold in plastic containers, not in cartons. The opening times are much longer, during the week until 10 p.m. and on Sundays until 5 p.m.! Everybody is on first name basis. In my spare time I attended a language school and my English improved greatly. I visited all the sights, watched musicals in the Westend and went shopping! I made lots of new friends both with English and people from all around the world. When the time came to leave I didn’t want to leave. I will never forget this time in my life! 01 A2 listening 9q76n5 Word bank 01 work placement Praktikum pattern Muster to hashtag (youth language) hier: nach etwas Bestimmtem suchen wanderlust Fernweh 02 anxious besorgt flatmate Mitbewohner/in similar ähnlich wheat Weizen Tip Are you ready for a work placement abroad? If you answer three or more questions with yes, you are ready! 02 A2 Working abroad Hi, I’m Linda. Look at this photo! That’s me in London. I have just come back from spending a year on a work placement in London. I have gained so much – new friends, new skills and above all I have broadened my horizons. I wish I could turn back time and experience this year all over again! Have you ever thought about working in another country? How do you think you could profit from doing this? 144 Unit 26 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv