zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Imagine you are sick, but you have forgotten the names of your symptoms. With a partner, try to pantomime what kind of illness or injury you have. If your partner can guess your illness, you get a point! See who wins after five rounds of this game. In a group of four, create a short skit. One person needs help. The other three group members will help them along the way. Look at the conversations Johannes has at the beginning of the chapter for inspiration. Create a pamphlet with advice for travelers. What should they do if they get sick or have an accident while abroad? What does it mean to “invalidate travel insurance claims”? What can cause that to happen? It means your insurance decides not to pay for things that you ask it to in a claim. Since you have to pay for everything yourself, that can get expensive! Alcohol abuse during an accident Imagine you are in a car accident while driving a rental car in the USA. What should you do? Write a stepbystep plan with a partner. If you visit the USA, what are some things that you do at home in an emergency that would be different during your visit? Discuss with a partner a few differences between Austria and the USA. What do you think would be similar to home? Use the Venn Diagram to illustrate your ideas. 08 A2–B1 09 A2–B1 10 A2 11 B1 12 B1 13 B1 Austria USA Both 142 Unit 25 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv