zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Johannes’s friend Juan had his wallet and passport stolen, so he had to go to the police station. As a witness, Johannes helped him make a police report. Johannes wrote a description of what happened on a special form. Underline the most important details. Johannes’ police report Juan had his wallet and passport stolen while we were out at a bar called the Alligator Pit on Thursday night. A loud band called the Nar-walls was playing. Juan had his wallet out on a small table next to his beer. We think someone walked by and swiped the wallet while he was distracted by the music. He’s a Spanish citizen so he needs a replacement passport. With a partner, discuss: What do you have in your wallet? What would you have to report as missing if your wallet was lost or stolen? List three unpleasant things that could happen to an unlucky traveler in each box. Problem with your planned transportation: Illness or injury: Theft: Can’t rent a car, transportation is delayed/cancelled, stuck somewhere Symptoms listed in task 01, longer, more expensive trip Passport, wallet, phone, computer or baggage stolen, longer stay to recover items Mosaic Caption this comic. Who is 1? Who is 2? Be creative. Hey Johannes, could you come to the police station with me? I need to report that my wallet was stolen … Yeah … my passport and credit cards! Sure Juan, I’ll visit the police station with you. I was there when your wallet disappeared. Is anything else missing? Word bank steal (stolen) stehlen (gestohlen) witness Zeuge/Zeugin police report Anzeige wallet Geldbörse swipe klauen rob (robbed) ausrauben (ausgeraubt) distracted abgelenkt replacement Ersatz Tip If you lose your passport, go to the police station first and make a report. Then, contact the Embassy of the country that issued your passport to get a temporary replacement . Write down the address the address and phone number of the em­ bassy and keep it with you in case you can’t get online. Oh, and 911 also con­ nects you to the police in the USA! Useful phrases at the police station Help, I need to talk to the police! Hilfe, ich brauche die Polizei! I’d like to make a police report. Ich würde gerne Anzeige erstatten. I’ve been robbed. My … was stolen/is missing. Ich wurde ausgeraubt. Mein(e) … wurde(n) gestohlen. 06 A2–B1 07 A2–B1 1. 2. 1. 2. 141 25 Getting help  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv