zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

At the pharmacy. Underline all of the words/phrases that are about being sick. Look up the ones you don’t know. What kind of medication does Johannes need? antibiotics, cough syrup, tissues, ibuprofen, decongestant Johannes: Ahhhhhhh-choo! Excuse me. Hi, I need some help. I got this prescription for antibiotics from the clinic and a list of other medications to take: cough syrup, tissues, ibuprofen and a decongest- ant … Employee: Hi there, you look quite sick. Why don’t you take a seat over there by the counter and I’ll bring this prescription to the pharmacist to fill? If you’d like, I can also get the items on your doctor’s list. That way, you can keep your germs to yourself, haha. Johannes: Thanks … that would be great. I do feel awful … Aaaaaachooooo! How can travelers be well-prepared? Read the text below and underline the most important information. Create a glossary using the bold­ faced words and any other unfamiliar vocabulary. Tips for Travelers Being well-prepared for your trip is one of the best ways to make sure that if anything happens, you can handle it. Knowing where to find and access help when you are traveling is really important. At www.help.gov.at , Austrian travelers can get advice from the government for what to do in case of an emergency or legal problem when they are in another country. When traveling outside the EU, make sure your passport is valid for at least six months and that you have travel health insurance. Your credit card , airline or travel agency may offer insurance, but you should read the coverage informa- tion before leaving for your trip. If you need any prescriptions , see your doctor before going away. If you plan to drive while you are traveling, make sure that your driver’s license is valid in that coun- try and that you are old enough to rent a car. You might need to get an International Driving Permit (IDP) . In the United States, for example, many car rental companies require drivers to be at least 25, but some companies rent cars to 18-year old drivers for a higher rate . In some places, car rental companies have to provide car insurance to renters , but in others you have to buy insurance to drive. No matter how old or where you are, it is illegal to drink and drive! Alcohol abuse use may invalidate travel insurance claims, especially if you are under 21. Being well-prepared for a trip also means making good decisions while you are traveling. What are the most important things to prepare before leaving? passport, travel health insurance, knowing where to find help What do you need if you want to rent a car? valid driver’s licence, check if you are old enough to rent from that company 04 A2–B1 Tip Useful phrases at the pharmacy Take these pills three times a day. Nehmen Sie diese Tabletten dreimal täglich. Bring this prescription to be filled at the pharmacy/chemist (BE). Bringen Sie dieses Rezept zur nächsten Apotheke. Don’t eat anything raw and drink a lot of tea. Essen Sie keine ungekochten Lebensmittel und trinken Sie viel Tee. You don’t look well. Take a seat. Sie schauen nicht gesund aus. Setzen Sie sich hin. 05 A2–B1 140 Unit 25 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv