zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Read the text and circle the emotions that you think Lisa would be feeling in this situation. Lisa’s nightmare All weekend, Lisa’s phone received blank text messages from blocked numbers. Then she started getting spam emails sent to her with awful pictures of her in the attachments. When she tried calling her so-called “friends” to find out if they knew what was going on, they ignored her. In class, no one would sit with her or work with her in group projects. On Thursday, Lisa received an anonymous text with a link to a website: www.lisaisarealmess.com . It showed films of her at vocational school, at a party, and at home, but it was edited together to make her look ridiculous. Someone had been recording her on their phone secretly, which is called “happy slapping”. Lisa had had enough – she felt as if her entire class were against her. She asked her favourite teacher, Mrs Willens, to look at the website and told her about how the problem started. Mrs Willens was not amused and arranged for a special visit to her classroom. The police and the school psychologist visited the class and talked to them about “cyber-bullying”: harassment that hurts both on and off the internet. Lisa was a victim of this kind of bullying, which experts classify as a kind of assault. Though her situation did not go this far, some victims of cyberbullying have even attempted suicide. Since January 2016 in Austria, cyberbullying is also illegal. If Lisa decided to press charges, her classmates could pay a heavy price. Then write the words here: harassed, vulnerable, upset, bullied, ignored, ridiculous, unwanted, sad, worried, scared, unhappy, concerned, miserable What would you do in this situation? Discuss with a partner. Useful phrases: 06 A2–B1 Tip The word “Mobbing” sounds the same in both German and English, but it’s not used in the same way. In English, a “mob” is a disorderly crowd of people in a public place, and if you are somewhere crowded, you could say it is “mobbed”. When someone is “gemobbt”, they are being “bullied”. Word bank blank leer text messages SMS, Textnachrichten blocked number gesperrte Nummer anonymous anonym edited bearbeitet ridiculous lächerlich recording Aufnahme harassment Belästigung assault Angriff suicide Selbstmord illegal verboten press charges anzeigen harassed vulnerable upset bullied ignored ridiculous unwanted sad worried scared miserable unhappy concerned happy unconcerned pretty lucky friendly peaceful glad optimistic content cheerful 07 A2–B1 I agree, I would do that, too. No, I don’t agree, I wouldn’t do that because … If I were Lisa I would/wouldn’t … because … 14 Unit 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv