zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

What are your symptoms if you are coming down with a cold or flu? Mark them with an “F”. Use your favourite translation tool and write the German translations under the pictures. Erbrechen/Ich habe etwas Schlechtes gegessen gebrochenes Bein/Handgelenk; Knöchel verstaucht Durchfall, Verstopfung Schüttelfrost, Gliederschmerzen Schnupfen Husten Halsweh Ohrensausen ausgerenkte Schulter Fieber Kopfweh Bauchschmerzen 01 A2–B1 Tip • Colloquial phrases like “He’s feeling a bit green around the gills” or “She’s probably caught a bug” are popular ways of saying that someone has a cold or flu. It means that they’re feeling sick. • A symptom is the way you feel unwell, not the reason why you feel that way. • Sometimes it is hard for doctors to know exactly why you are unwell, too. When a doctor decides what disease someone has, it is called a diagnosis. I think I ate some­ thing that gave me food poisoning/that had gone bad. I’ve been vomiting/ throwing up. I twisted/ sprained my ankle. I broke my leg/ arm/wrist. I have diarrhea. I’m constipated. I have chills and my body aches. I have a runny nose. I have a nasty cough. I have a sore throat. My ears are ringing. I fell down and maybe dislocated/hurt my shoulder. Suddenly, I had a really high temperature. (past) I have/ came down with a sudden fever. I have a terrible headache./My head is throbbing. My stomach hurts. I have a stomach ache. Getting help  Johannes needs to find a doctor. He’s feeling a bit green around the gills. His throat is sore and scratchy, and he has a fever and a runny nose. His head is throbbing and he feels cold, even though it is warm today. He simply doesn’t feel like himself. He’s probably caught a bug. How can he get medical help in the USA? Plus, what about the costs and insurance? What would you do in his situation? F F F F F F 138 Unit 25 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv