zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Reread Sophie’s email. How is the restaurant she described different from your favorite restaurants in Austria? Did anything in her story surprise you? Write an email to an imaginary Englishspeaking pen pal about what to expect at an Austrian restaurant. At the restaurant. Who says what? Write “G” for “guest” or “S” for staff. Could I make a reservation for a table of four, please? G Are you ready to order? What would you like to have? S How many people are in your party? S I’d like to order something to drink. G Would you like to hear about our specials for tonight? S I’m sorry, but that was just not very good. There was a fly in my soup. G Is everything ok with your meal? S I need a few more minutes before I can decide. G No thank you, I’m sweet enough. G Would you like to see our dessert menu? S What would you like to drink? S Can we have the check, please? G Act out a scene at a restaurant, café or diner with a small group. One person has to work at the business, and the other members of the group are customers that have to discuss some important business over lunch. You would like to pay. What do you say? Practice with a partner or in a small group. Complaining. Work with a partner. One of you ordered something he or she dislikes. Choose one of the following reasons to send the food back and include it in your dialogue: Excuse me waiter/waitress, but … I’m sorry but … Asking for information: There is a (fly/hair, etc.) in my soup! My food is burned! I’m allergic to (ingredient)! This is undercooked! This isn’t what I ordered! I can’t eat this. It doesn’t taste good. I did not realize that there was (a cream sauce, an ingredient you don’t eat) on this dish. I would like to send this back to the kitchen. I’m a vegetarian/vegan/allergic to … Is there anything on the menu for me? What kind of (sauce/meat/other ingredient) is that? How is the … cooked? What does each phrase mean in German? 07 A2–B1 08 A2 09 A2 10 A2 Tip check = AE bill = BE I’ll be using my credit/debit card. I’d like to use cash. We’d like the check now. Could we have the check, please? We’ll be paying together/ separately. Useful phrases: 11 A2–B1 136 Unit 24 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv