zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Anna’s Greek friend Sophie was in America not too long ago with her aunt and uncle. Anna asked Sophie to tell her about their trip. She wrote this email to Anna about her experience: To: anna@lollipop.at From: sophie@hellas.com Subject: My trip to the US Dear Anna, Last summer I went to Boston with my aunt and uncle. We went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant and it was an interesting experience. My aunt made a table reservation for 7:30 p.m. When we got to the restaurant at 7:15, we had to wait 30 minutes for the reservation to be called by the hostess. We waited at the bar and tried to order wine, but the bartender wouldn’t let me have any alcohol since I was only 16. The “drinking age” in the USA is 21, and before that, no alcohol allowed! Instead, he made me a “virgin cocktail” called a “Shirley Temple” – it was soda water and maraschino cherries, not bad actually! After waiting for our table, we were seated by a hostess. At the table was a warm loaf of bread and olive oil waiting for us – and the waitper- son said it was “Complementary – with refills!” On the menu there were a lot of “appetizers”. My aunt asked how appetizers worked. The waitperson said, “Normally people order a few of them to share at the table.” So we ordered three appetizers and shared them as we waited for our food to be ready. But the portions were so big that we weren’t able to finish our main dish – we had to take everything back to the hotel in “doggie bags”! My uncle was really surprised (and a little upset) by how much he had to tip – 20% of the bill was over $20! I hope you have a great time on your first business trip. Your friend, Sophie 01 A2–B1 Word bank experience Erlebnis dinner Abendessen fancy luxuriös reservation Reservierung hostess/host hier: Empfangsdame bar Bar, Schank bartender Barkeeper “drinking age” Volljährigkeit “virgin cocktail” alkoholfreier Cocktail waitperson/waiter/waitress Kellner/in complementary gratis menu Speisekarte appetizer Vorspeise main dish Hauptgericht “doggie bag” sich den Rest einpacken lassen tip Trinkgeld Tip Small appetizers that you share and eat with your fingers are called “ finger food ”. It’s ok not to use eating utensils. Eating out  The first time Anna and her colleagues went out to lunch at a restaurant, Anna found a nice table by a window and just sat down. A waitress came up to her and said, “Sorry, you have to wait to be seated!” – “Oh, we should have known …” What else do you think might be different in American restaurants? Have you ever been out to eat at a restaurant where the staff spoke English with guests? What was it like? 132 Unit 24 A table for five? Let me see … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv