zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

What should you not do when you have an important meeting? Individual answers: be late, wear dirty or too casual clothes, have the mobile phone on, forget the person’s name How to break the ice. Match the sentence halves. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It’s a great The food is Excuse me, do you have What about you? Can you pass me A B C D E delicious. a light? presentation. a drink, please? Where are you from? Leaving a conversation. What goes together? 1. 2. 3. 4. spot have a proper have a chance it was a A B C D talk later someone pleasure meeting you to talk later What is polite? Choose the correct answers. a) Selma’s mobile phone is ringing while she is talking to a customer. b) Matthias makes sure he is on time for an important meeting. c) Theresa is underdressed for an important presentation. d) Lucas leaves the conversation without saying anything. e) Gabor keeps looking at his mobile phone while listening to his boss. f) Marco dresses according to the dress code. g) Lara says: “Would you excuse me, please? I’ll be right back.” h) Melanie asks: “What?” 12 A2–B1 13 A2 14 A2–B1 15 A2–B1 ✗ ✗ ✗ What I can now do: ●● I know what you should not do when you have a meeting.  ➤ 12 Ich weiß, was man bei einer Besprechung nicht tun sollte. ●● I can start a conversation politely.  ➤ 13 Ich kann ein Gespräch höflich einleiten. ●● I can finish a conversation politely.  ➤ 14 Ich kann ein Gespräch höflich beenden. ●● I can tell if something is polite or not.  ➤ 15 Ich kann höfliches und unhöfliches Benehmen unterscheiden. 23 Meeting and greeting Check yourself 131 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv