zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

General, subject-related or practical? Write them in the correct column! General education Subject-related lessons Practical training Political Education Economics, Computing, Marketing and Sales German and Communication Commercial Training, Advertising Techniques Occupational English Commercial Mathematics Listen to Sue talk about her training in England. Decide if the statements are true or false? true false Sue knew exactly what she wanted to do after comprehensive school. The course she has chosen provides an opportunity for those with an interest in fashion. Sue’s parents thought the course was a bad idea. Sue had a C grade in GCSE maths and a B grade in GCSE English. Sue is learning the principles of fashion business and retail, fashion production, supply chain, fashion buying, merchandising, fashion management, marketing and visual merchandising. She also has to complete a fashion retail project. In the UK all education is free. In the UK students must start paying back their student loan when they earn over £21,000. A BTEC level 2 National Diploma is the equivalent to the Austrian Lehrabschlussprüfung. Sue is hoping to pass her BTEC level 2 National Diploma and find a job next year. May is a sophomore at the High School of Art & Design in New York. Listen to her describe her experience as a student intern. Put the following statements into the correct order. Graduating students design and sew a small collection for the Senior Fashion Show. 4 Art & Design is a Career and Technical High School. Unlike most high schools, students can major in a field that might be their future career path. 1 High school students have to take academic classes, but they can take electives or play sports. 2 Students at the High School of Art & Design have flexible schedules so they can have internships. 3 May would like to study at a university after she graduates from high school. 5 03 A2 04 A2–B1 listening ex54xm Tip Listening skills • Read the task first: What kind of infor­ mation should you concentrate on? • Who? What? When? Why? Where? How? • Details or gist (Kernaussage) ? • You don’t need to understand every single word. • The same tips are also helpful for reading! Word bank 04 comprehensive school Gesamtschule provide zur Verfügung stellen opportunity Gelegenheit GCSE MittelstufeAbschluss (mit 16) principles Grundlagen fashion business Modegewerbe supply chain Beschaffungskette merchandising Verkaufsförderung visual optisch complete fertigstellen equivalent gleichwertig further education Weiterbildung loan Kredit 05 intern Praktikant/in, als Praktikant/in arbeiten part time Teilzeit major ein Fach als Hauptfach studieren schedule Stundenplan elective Wahlfach flexible flexibel maths = BE/math = AE ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 05 B1 listening ib69uh Tip American high school students have spe­ cial “titles” according to their school year: 9 th  graders are freshmen , 10 th  graders are sophomores , 11 th  graders are juniors and 12 th  graders are seniors . 13 Welcome to vocational school 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv