zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Match these sentence halves of these ice-breakers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Excuse me. Do you Hello. My name’s … . Is it Could you pass And what about you? What do you do Is this your first Sorry, do you mind Did you enjoy this A B C D E F G H presentation at the conference? for a living? okay if I join your group? have a light? Where are you from? if I join you? morning’s presentation? me the milk, please? Read this dialogue. What do you think? Is it polite? Rewrite it into your notebook. Sales assistant: Yes, what do you want? Customer: Trousers! Sales assistant: What? Customer: A pair of trousers. Sales assistant: What colour? Customer: Blue. Sales assistant: Size? Customer: 38. Sales assistant: We don’t have them in that size. What about in blue? Customer: OK. Sales assistant: There you go. Try them in the fitting room. … Sales assistant: And? Do they fit? Customer: I’ll take them. How much are they? Sales assistant: €89. Pay at the till! Customer: OK. Do you even accept credit cards at this shop? Sales assistant: Sure! Sign and take your receipt. Bye. Mosaic Look at the picture. What is wrong? Write the correction here. “May I introduce you to our  boss ?” 06 A2 07 A2–B1 Tip • British people use basic politeness (please, thank you, excuse me) more often than Austrians and might find Austrian directness impolite. 129 23 Meeting and greeting Nur zu Prüf wecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv