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The U.S. Immigration procedure Read the short article about crossing into US territory. Why do you have to answer so many questions and wait in lines? What can you get to replace a traditional visa? They want to know why you are traveling to the US and what you are going to do there. through the ESTA Visa Waiver Program Traveling to the United States for the first time? Here are some things to expect: You might be surprised by the long lines that you encounter when traveling to the USA. Unlike crossing borders within the EU, all travelers are given a blue “Customs Declaration Form” before landing in the USA. It is a form that asks travelers to declare what they are bringing with them, where they have been and where they are going, even if they are just catching a connecting flight in the USA. Visitors must provide one US address, such as a hotel where they will be staying – even if they are taking a road trip! Long-term visitors must carry a visa, but most Europeans can avoid applying for a visa through the “ESTA Visa Waiver Program” if they stay for three months or less. You should keep your ESTA number handy at border control when entering the USA. A cus- toms official interviews each traveler and takes their fingerprints and picture. If you wear glasses, you have to remove them for the photo, which becomes part of an international security database. After the security interview, the customs official will stamp your entry form and tell you where to give it to another officer once you pick up your luggage. At the airport, you can exchange many different currencies. Look at the exchange rates. Can you match the names of the currencies to the flags and abbreviations? Currency Abbreviation 1 Euro costs US Dollars USD 1.0757 British Pounds GBP 0.8407 Australian Dollars AUD 1.4295 Japanese Yen JPY 111.623 Canadian Dollars CND 1.4526 Anna has to exchange Euros for $2,000 US Dollars. To estimate how much money she needs to convert, Anna will do this simple math problem. A = money you have to convert, B = exchange rate, C = money after the exchange If C=$2,000, and B=1.0994, how much is A? (2000/1.0994=A) : A=1,819.17 Euro How many Euros would Anna need to convert in order to have 1,000 GBP?  1,195.03 In order to be up to date, check the current exchange rates on the internet. 02 A2–B1 Word bank 02 border Grenze customs declaration Zollerklärung avoid vermeiden apply for a visa um ein Visum ansuchen customs official Zollbeamter/beamtin fingerprints Fingerabdrücke security database Sicherheitsdatenbank 03 currency Währung exchange rate Wechselkurs estimate schätzen convert umrechnen 03 A2 British Pounds Australian Dollars US Dollars Canadian Dollars Japanese Yen 121 Getting around  22 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv