zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Listen to what Gervin, her supervisor tells her. Fill in the missing words from the word bank. The Austrian apprenticeship training takes place in two places that is why it is called “ dual system ”. On the one hand you are trained by the  company  you work for and on the other hand you are trained at the  vocational school  , usually ten weeks per year. This schoolbased training is about 20% of the training period. Sometimes classes are held in  fulltime blocks  (i. e. 10 weeks a year) or  dayrelease  once a week. The employer is obligated to release you from work for this duration. The apprenticeship can take from two to four years, but usually it takes three years. The  remuneration  or pay is fixed for each apprenticeship and increases every year. At the end of the apprenticeship there is a  final  examination – one part is a  practical  and one part a  theoretical  examination. After the examination you are a  skilled  worker. The subjects in the vocation school. Find the correct translation. Political Education Sales Skills and Personality Development Occupational English Economics & Commercial Mathematics Sales Training Computing German and Communication Sales Promotion and Marketing Berufsbezogene Fremdspr. Englisch Verkaufsförderung und Warenpräsentation Angewandte Wirtschaftslehre Betriebswirtschaftliches Projektpraktikum Verkaufspraktikum Politische Bildung Verkaufskompetenz und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung Deutsch und Kommunikation 01 A2 listening v8n8x6 Word bank dual system duales System company Firma vocational school Berufsschule full time ganztags block Block day-release berufsbegleitend release freistellen remuneration Lohn/Gehalt final endgültig practical praktisch theoretical theoretisch examination Prüfung skilled qualifiziert skilled worker Fachkraft 02 A2 This is Sue. She is an exchange student from England. At home she is doing a fulltime course in fashion business and retail at her further education college. This year she is on an exchange in Austria. She will train as a shop assistant and she will have to attend the vocational school for ten weeks. She feels very nervous because this is all very new to her. Can you explain the Austrian “dual system” to her? Welcome to vocational school 12 Unit 2 I don’t understand the Austrian dual system – it’s very confusing! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv