zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Changing or improving arrangements. Use your favorite translation tool to look up words you don’t know. Then complete the statements. Choose three terms and explain them to a partner. If you can’t eat something because it makes you sick, you are  allergic  to it. Johannes needs to order a  special meal  because he’s vegetarian and allergic to  peanuts  . If you have a problem with the way your stay in a hotel is  booked  , you need to change your  reservation  . Johannes needs to  extend  his stay. The hostel made an  arrangement  . Making plans and travel arrangements over the phone Meanwhile, Johannes has been busy organizing his trip, too. Listen to Johannes’ important phone conversations. Where did he call? Why did he call each place? Place Reason for call What happened? 1. airline special meal request special meal is all set 2. hostel reservation change reservation is extended, but in a different room Listen to Anna’s conversation with her boss about the business trip to New York. a) What should Anna make sure is in her carryon luggage?  USB stick b) Look back at the other tasks and help Anna get organized. What does Anna still have to do? What has she already finished doing? Write each of Anna’s tasks in the correct column. Get ready Do now Done! USB stick presentation Find some things to do in NYC, find some restaurants Belongings to pack Finish booking the hotel and flight Found a hotel and flight Helped Melanie Mosaic Create a creative hangtag for your luggage! What colors and materials would you use? Maybe the label will help your luggage always find its way back to you if it looks especially fabulous! All labels should include the following information: Name:  Address:  Country and nationality:  Phone number and email:  09 A2–B1 special meal allergic peanuts reservation extend arrangement booked 10 A2–B1 listening fc57gy 11 A2–B1 listening 8us476 117 21 Planning a trip  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv