zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Business or pleasure? These are some activities you might do while traveling to New York. For each topic, write B for business activities or P for things to enjoy in your free time (= pleasure)! Can some business activities also be fun? Seeing the sights on a tour bus P Enjoying lunch at a restaurant P/B Attending a trade fair B Attending a meeting B Browsing flea market stalls P Visiting an art gallery or museum P Shopping for clothes and accessories P Networking at a convention B Seeing live music P Visiting a friend P With a partner, discuss which activities you would expect to do on a business trip. How do you think Anna’s and Johannes’ trips will be similar? Could a business trip also be fun? Making travel arrangements online Part of Anna’s job is to make travel arrangements for her colleagues for their upcoming trip. What information does she have to know in order to complete an online booking form? Label the booking form with the terms in the box. What other arrangements can she book on this site? hotel, flight + hotel, cars What means of transport do you know? Can you think of any more? car, bus, train, ship/ferry, cablecar, scooter, taxi, bike, plane, coach, underground, motorbike tram 03 A2 Word bank 03 pleasure Vergnügen traveling = AE/travelling = BE sight Sehenswürdigkeit attending Teilnahme trade fair Messe flea market Flohmarkt art gallery Kunstgalerie networking Vernetzung convention Kongress meeting Gesprächstermin similar ähnlich 04 travel arrangements Reisearrangements booking query Buchungsanfrage origin Herkunft departure Abreise 04 A2 departure airport destination departure date return date number of passengers type of flight departure airport departure date number of passengers destination return date type of flight Hotel Flight + Hotel Cars Flights Vienna – all airports New York – all airports Tue. 1 Dec. ’20 Tue. 8 Dec. ’20 1 adult Direct only & Class 05 A1–A2 115 Planning a trip  21 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv