zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

What is important to remember when you are going abroad? What could go wrong if you take a trip without planning it first? Discuss with a partner, and then with the class. What should you do first before leaving? Put these activities into the correct order. 3  Book a flight/hotel. 9  Pack your suitcase. 2  Get information on entry requirements. Get a visa or other document if necessary. 7  Find out how to get to the airport. 8  Find out how to get from the airport to your hotel. 1  Check your travel budget and choose a destination. 4/5/6  Find out what currency is accepted. Do you need to exchange money or can you use your bank/credit card? 10  Check in to your flight (online if possible). 4/5/6  Arrange a meeting with your business partners. 4/5/6  Confirm your flight and hotel booking. 01 A2 Word bank Introduction growing wachsend business trip Geschäftsreise destination Reiseziel explore erkunden amazing unglaublich, toll 01 abroad im/ins Ausland 02 entry requirements Einreisebestimmungen currency Währung visa Visum check in einchecken confirm bestätigen You shouldn’t forget your passport. You might not find a hotel if you wait until the lastminute. Useful phrases: 02 A2 Tip Fashion Weeks are held around the world, but especially in New York it is like a holi­ day that comes a few times a year. Even regular people dress their best during NYFW. It is a very important time for the fashion business – Fashion Week is “the Industry’s” time to show their work and set new trends. Planning a trip  Johannes and Anna are friends at vocational school and apprentices at a growing fashion company’s boutique in Graz. Both are planning a trip to New York City during Fashion Week. Johannes is visiting the city alone as a tourist, while Anna is helping her boss to plan her very first business trip. Her English and organizational skills are so good that Anna’s boss thinks she is the right person to do that. Have you ever planned a trip? What do you think Anna will have to do? How could planning a business trip be different from planning a vacation to the same destination? 114 Unit 21 Exploring New York alone will be amazing! I’m so excited, but I wonder if I’ll have any time to see the city? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv