zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Portfolio: Fair Trade Go into a group of three to four and choose a leading brand of your choice. Research their policies on Fair Trade. Present your findings to the class. What is a living wage? Listen to this report and put the pictures into the correct order. Is there a living wage in Austria? If yes, how much do you think it is? Look it up! 2 6 1 3 5 4 8 7 9 With a partner discuss the following statements. Do you agree or disagree? agree disagree A living wage is a human right for everyone worldwide. If CEOs were paid less it would have little impact on worker’s paychecks. Everybody in the Western world receives a living wage. An increase in pay would cost jobs. Fair Trade is anti-globalisation. Fair Trade is a form of charity. Fair Trade means more expensive goods for customers. Fair Trade results in low quality products for the customer. Fair Trade refers only to coffee and chocolate. What can your shop do to make our world a better place? Brainstorm on the black board and copy into your notebooks. Choose one of the texts in task 6 and think of where Josh or Tina could get help. Work with a partner or in a group. 08 A2–B1 09 B1 listening q3u3v9 10 B1 Word bank 09 living wage Existenzminimum brands Marken make ends meet über die Runden kommen minimum wage Mindestlohn poverty Armut exhausted erschöpft union Gewerkschaft negotiate verhandeln fired gekündigt intimidated eingeschüchtert jail Gefängnis 10 impact Auswirkung CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Geschäfts­ führer/-in paycheck Lohn-/Gehaltszahlung 11 A2–B1 12 A2–B1 112 Unit 20 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv