zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

What are some important things to say about yourself when you introduce yourself? a) Only tell people your name, your profession and age. b) Tell people the things that are in a), but also mention where you come from and what you like to do. c) Invent a new person. No one has to know who you really are. d) Talk about your hobbies. Write down five things about yourself. individual answer Match the words and their definitions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ability strength weakness mistake skill A B C D E something that someone cannot do very well something that you have not done correctly a particular ability that involves special training and experience something that someone does very well the fact of being able to do something What is a “first impression”? a) It is what you think about someone when you first meet them. First impressions are often really important when getting to know new people. b) It’s a kind of painting. c) It is the only time you can decide whether to like someone. 10 A2 ✗ 11 A1 12 A2 13 A2 ✗ What I can now do: ●● I know what is important when introducing myself.  ➤ 10 Ich weiß, was wichtig ist, wenn ich mich vorstelle. ●● I can introduce myself in English.  ➤ 11 Ich kann mich selbst auf Englisch vorstellen. ●● I can match words from this unit to their definitions.  ➤ 12 Ich kann Wörtern aus diesem Kapitel ihre Definitionen zuordnen. ●● I can explain what a “first impression” is.  ➤ 13 Ich kann erklären, was ein „erster Eindruck” ist. 1 May I introduce myself?  Check yourself 11 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv