zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

“Dos” and “Don’ts” at the supermarket. Tell your customers how to handle a shopping trolley. Use the nouns, verbs and adverbs to write short instructions. Do push the trolley carefully! Don’t push the trolley up the steps! Do put your child into the child seat! Do fill the trolley correctly! Don’t put a pet into the trolley! Don’t fix the trolley yourself! Get assistance! Don’t let a child stand in the trolley! Don’t bump into other customers! Produce a poster and group the “dos” and the “don’ts” together. Your teacher will have copyable pictures for you to use! Inform a new colleague about the health and safety regulations at your shop. Work in groups and give a short overview of the most important rules and regulations. Prepare a chart and present it to your colleagues. Tell your supervisor about a serious accident that happened at your shop. Write a dialogue with a partner, using the words and phrases below about what happened. Then act out the situation. Try to integrate the three Cs into your role play! 08 A2 nouns:  trolley child steps customers pet child seat assistance verbs:  push fill stand sit put bump into fix get adverbs:  carefully correctly 09 A2 10 B1 11 A2–B1 Tip Remember the three Cs: • Check the situation. • Call an ambulance. • Care for the person. did not follow the instructions walked on a slippery surface fell on his/her back injured ambulance first aid sign medical kit was lucky leg broken 106 Unit 19 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv