zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

The health and safety inspector is talking about safety risks in the workplace and how to prevent accidents. Listen and number the instructions as you hear them. Use the appropriate detergent mixed at the correct concentration. 8 Have effective arrangements for both routine cleaning and dealing with spills. 7 Leave smooth floors dry after cleaning or exclude pedestrians until the floor is dry. 5 Use entrance matting. 1 Fix leaks from equipment (i.e. refrigerators). 2 Make sure that your cleaning method is effective for the type of floor you have. 3 Check for loose, damaged and worn flooring and replace as needed. 9 Keep walkways and work areas clear of obstructions. 11 If footwear is supplied as personal protective equipment, it must be supplied free of charge to employees. 13 Don’t introduce more slip or trip risks while cleaning is being done. 4 Remove spillages promptly. 6 Make sure lighting is sufficient and that slopes or steps are clearly visible. 10 Where floors cannot be kept clean and dry, slipresistant footwear can help prevent slip accidents. 12 Listen to the second part of the lecture. a) Tick the safety signs the inspector is talking about. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ b) What should you do? Match the sentence parts. 1. 2. 3. 4. If a person is seriously injured Call an ambulance and Find the medical kit at In case of a fire you must A B C D the first aid sign. stop all work and follow the emergency exit signs. care for the person. check the situation first. 05 A2–B1 listening xs5us5 Word bank 05 appropriate geeignet detergent Reinigungsmittel leak Leck worn hier abgenutzt obstruction Hindernis protective equipment Schutzausrüstung free of charge kostenlos remove entfernen lighting Beleuchtung slopes Neigungen 06 emergency exit Notausgang designated festgelegt assembly point Treffpunkt fire extinguisher Feuerlöscher get injured sich verletzen 06 A2–B1 listening m4en9t 104 Unit 19 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv