zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Read this text about shopping malls. Underline all the extra features at these malls. Talk to a partner. Why do you think malls need to offer these? Would you like to visit any of these? Forget actually going shopping These are the shopping malls where actual shops seem to be an afterthought. Around the world there are some spectacular malls offering such over-the-top features as indoor ski hills, waterparks, shooting ranges and even an underground shark tunnel. The Dubai Mall may be the largest in the world, housing 1,200 shops, but the city’s Mall of the Emirates has the honour of being the home of the first indoor ski resort in the Middle East. Across the other side of the world, The Mall of America near St. Paul, Minnesota, has an indoor amusement park, complete with rollercoaster and other rides, as well as a full underground aquarium, a ship, gun range and, yes, a waterpark. For those who enjoy a bit of boating with their shopping, head to Las Vegas, where gondolas can be hired to ferry you between designer stores at The Venetian Hotel & Casino. Plus, at the Berjaya Times Square shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia the impressive 48-storey complex houses a theme park, 3D cinema and a hotel. (Adapted from: www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article3139202 ) Work in groups of three or four. Each group looks up a mall of their choice (mentioned above or other) and presents this mall to the class. Look up an anchor store of your choice. Why are anchor stores so important? At the information desk – think of your own mall and practice a few dialogues! 09 A2–B1 The Venetian Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas Word bank afterthought nachträglicher Einfall over-the-top übertrieben features Besonderheiten shark Haifisch housing unterbringen honour Ehre amusement park Vergnügungspark rollercoaster Achterbahn gun range Schießstand hired gemietet theme park auf ein bestimmtes Thema ausgerichteter Freizeitpark 10 A2–B1 11 A2–B1 12 A2 Is there a pet shop/jeweller’s/grocery shop/newsagent in this mall? Where can I buy/get a pair of earrings/gloves/ batteries/topup for my mobile phone? Where is/are the (nearest) toilets/lost property/ nursery/lift/escalator/ATM/disabled toilets/baby changing rooms? Thank you. Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. How may/can I help you? Is there anything I can do for you? There certainly is. It is called … Go left/right. Go straight ahead. Go up/down the escalator. Take the lift up/down to the first/lower floor. Go to the first/second/lower floor. Go back to the entrance. Go down this aisle to the food court. Is there anything else I can help you with? You are welcome! Customer Information desk 100 Unit 18 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv