zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Skills to pay the bills 1. Your teacher will give you a pink, a green and a yellow sticky note. 2. Label your sticky notes – see A, B, C on the right. 3. Place all of your sticky notes onto the blackboard. 4. Then choose classmates’ notes of each colour. 5. Look for the people who wrote all of the notes you chose. As you talk to your classmates, ask them what they wrote down, even if their answers are not on your sticky notes! 6. Once someone who has one of your notes finds you, stick your note onto your clothing. Once you have all of your sticky notes back, go back to your desk. 7. On the pink and green sticky notes, write down the names of any classmates that you could help with your skill. On the yellow sticky note, write down someone who could help you! Imagine you are about to be interviewed on television. What should other people know about you? What would you prefer to keep secret? Write down five interview questions that you would like to talk about with the journalist on TV. Find a partner in your class that you have not had a chance to talk to yet. Ask them the list of questions you wrote for yourself. Tell them how you would answer the question, too. After interviewing your new partner, write 10 sentences about them. Tallest Tower: Your teacher will divide your class into evenly numbered groups. Each group will be given scissors, tape, glue , and 50 cm of string and either 30 pieces of A4 paper OR 20 pieces of pasta . You will have 15–20 min. to build a tower. Present your tower to your classmates and explain how you decided what to do. 06 A2–B1 C On the yellow sticky note, write down something that is hard for you that you might need help with! B On the green sticky note, write down something that you can fix, make, or build. A On the pink sticky note, write down a school subject that you are really good at. 07 A2–B1 08 A2–B1 09 A2–B1 Who was responsible for being • a leader • a problem solver • a builder • a supporter in your team? The tallest, strongest tower wins! The most beautiful tower gets an honourable mention! I think we should build our tower like this … I think it would be (stronger) if we did (this) … Can you help me with … ? Can you pass the scissors/glue/ paper/tape/string/…? Useful phrases: 10 Unit 1 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv