zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

There are different building designs. Look at the homes below and match the explanations to the pictures/terms. 1. 2. 3. 4. Semidetached house or “twin” Apartment building (AE) block of flats (BE) Detached house Terraced houses A B C D A building containing a lot of flats/apartments. A house that stands alone. Several houses which are built next to each other in rows. A house placed directly side by side to a house built in a similar way. Look at the interior of this house and draw a line from the rooms to the right place in the floor plan. study dining room kitchen living room corridor/hall storage room bathroom entrance bedroom toilet 01 A2 Tip “First floor” does not mean the same in British English and American English: Find out the difference! British English – American English ground floor = first floor first floor = second floor Word bank semi-detached house/twin Doppel­ haushälfte apartment building (AE)/block of flats (BE) Wohnblock detached house Einfamilienhaus terraced house Reihenhaus floor Stock, Etage, Boden floor plan Grundriss bedroom Schlafzimmer bathroom Bad kitchen Küche living room Wohnzimmer dining room Esszimmer study Arbeitszimmer corridor Gang hall Gang, Vorzimmer storage room Abstellraum toilet Toilette 02 A1 Exteriors and interiors Selina, Anna and Tarek are in the same class at vocational school. Right now they are discussing where and how they live. Where do you live? In the city or in the country? In a house or in a flat? Would you like to live somewhere else? 46 Unit 10 I’ve only got an apartment with a balcony, here in Austria, but one day, I’ll build my own house. My family lives in an old house in the countryside. We have lots of space indoors and outdoors. We have a garden as well, but it’s small. However, when I party, the neighbours give me a hard time. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv