zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch
Wie arbeite ich mit diesem Buch? Writedown threeof your strengthsorabilities. individualanswer;example: Iamamulti-tasker. Iamgoodatmaths. Iamopen-minded. Writedown five thingsabout yourself. individualanswer Match thewordsand theirdefinitions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ability strength weakness mistake skill A B C D E something that someone cannotdo verywell something that youhavenotdone correctly aparticular ability that involves special training and experience something that someonedoes verywell the factofbeing able todo something What is a “first impression”? a) It iswhat you think about someonewhen you firstmeet them. First impressions areoften really importantwhengetting to knownewpeople. b) It’s a kindofpainting. c) It is theonly time you candecidewhether to like someone. 09 A2 10 A1 11 A2 12 A2 ✗ What I cannowdo: ●● I canname strengths and abilities. ➤ 09 Ich kannStärkenund Fähigkeitennennen. ●● I can introducemyself inEnglish. ➤ 10 Ich kannmich selbstaufEnglisch vorstellen. ●● I canmatchwords from thisunit to theirdefinitions. ➤ 11 Ich kannWörternausdiesemKapitel ihreDefinitionen zuordnen. ●● I can explainwhat a “first impression” is. ➤ 12 Ich kann erklären,was ein „ersterEindruck” ist. 1 May I introducemyself? Check yourself 11 listening pc45dk www.oebv.at Begriff/Online-Link/Code Skills topay thebills 1. Your teacherwillgive you three stickynotes. 2. Label your stickynoteswithA,B,C – seeA,B,Con the right. 3. Place allof your stickynotesonto theblackboard. 4. Read all the stickynotes labelledCon theblack- board andwritedown yourname if you canhelp someone. 5. Then choose classmates’notesofA,B andC. 6. Look for thepeoplewhowrote allof thenotes you chose.As you talk to your classmates,ask them what theywrotedown,even if their answers are noton your stickynotes! 7. Once someonewhohasoneof yournotes finds you, stick yournoteonto your clothing.Once you have allof your stickynotesback,goback to your desk. Findout the factsbelowby asking your classmates questions. If their answer is “yes”,write theirname below.Then ask yourpartner if theyhave found a person for each fact. Goback to task 05. Findoutwhich abilities and skills aremost common in your class. Make a surveyon theblackboard. 06 A2–B1 C On the third sticky note,writedown something that is hard for you that you mightneedhelp with! B On the second stickynote,write down something you cando very well. A On the first sticky note,writedown a school subject that you are reallygood at. Usefulphrases: Do youhave/like/…?Are you…?/Were you…? Did you find somebodywho…? Yes Idid, it is…/ No Ididn’t. 07 A2 Find somebodywhodoesnot like computergames: Find somebodywho is a multi-tasker: Find somebodywhosename startswith an “A”: Find somebodywhohas a brother: Find somebodywhowasnotborn inAustria: Find somebodywho likes swimming: Find somebodywhowason holiday in theSouth: Find somebodywhowasborn in winter: Find somebodywhodoesnot live in a town: Find somebodywhohas apet: Find somebodywho likes skiing: Find somebodywho likespizza: Find somebodywho likes rap music: Find somebodywho can speak three languages: Find somebodywho is taller than 1.80metres: 08 A2–B1 10 Unit 1 Interaction Introduce yourself toapartner. Then, listen to their introductionandwriteabouthimorherhere: Mypartner’sname is… He/She is… yearsold. He/She likes to (do …hobbies) He/She is learning tobe a (profession). He/Shehasbeenworking in that field for… (years/months) He/Shehasbeen learningEnglish for… (years/months). Describe your strengths andweaknesses. Whichof these abilities and skills apply to you?What seems like an impossible skill?Discuss your answerswith apartner. Whichoneswould you like tohave? Howdo you think you couldbecomegood at someof these skills? J =That’sme! K =Maybe I coulddo that if I tried… L =Oh, I can’tdo that. Abilities and skills J K L 1. I can follow step-by-step instructionswell. 2. I’m athletic. I’m fast and reactquickly to changes. 3. Iplaywellon a team and I love a challenge. 4. I’m a “multi-tasker”! I canworkon severaldifferent tasks atoncewithoutgetting confused. 5. Ihavehigh standards formywork.Evenwhen I’m stressedout, Iwant tomake sure Ido agood job. 6. I love towrite! Letters, stories,emails – it all comesnaturally tome. 7. I amgood at fashion and I always lookmybest. I can alsohelp friends find clothes that suit them. 8. I am agood leader. I canmotivatepeople toworkwell together and enjoygetting the jobdone. 9. I canunderstandhow somethingworksby looking at it,orby looking atplansordiagrams. 10. I’mgood at languages. I can speak, read andwrite inGerman,English (and…) 11. I’mgood atworkingwithmyhands (e.g. cuttingordrawing) 12. I’mgood atmaths. 13. I’mopen-minded. I like to tryoutnew things. Mosaic Use thewords from the star towrite agoal for this year. 04 A2 Tip •Use thequestions in task 02 tohelp you write about yourpartner. •Theword “you” canbe changed to your partner’sname, “mypartner”, and of course “he” or “she”. •Don’t forget to add “s” to the verb: he like s 05 A2–B1 Word bank strength Stärke weakness Schwäche describebeschreiben skill Fertigkeit ability Fähigkeit challengeHerausforderung taskAufgabe confuseddurcheinander stressed out total gestresst open-minded aufgeschlossen 9 May I introducemyself? 1 Listen toHannah introduceherself toherEnglish class. Howdid shedo?Whatwould youadd toher introduction? What’s thenameofher job inEnglish? Shedoesn’t know it yet. Do you know thenameof your job inEnglish? individualanswers,examplesonline Thebeginningof the answer is inside thequestion. First,underline the information asked forby thequestion.Then,writeout yourownpersonal answers. What’s yourname? My name is … Where are you from? I’m from … Whatdo you like todo for fun? I like to (do) … for fun. Whatprofession are you learning at vocational school? I am learning to be a … at vocational school. How longhave youbeenworking as an apprentice? I have been working at my company for … How longhave youbeen learning English? I have been learning English for … (years, months …). Write in newquestion that youwould like to answer about yourself. Newquestion individualanswers Answer 01 A2 listening s4f6xr Word bank first impression erster Eindruck professionBeruf apprentice Lehrling assignmentAufgabe introductionVorstellung vocational schoolBerufsschule company Firma 02 A1–A2 03 A2 What’s your favourite food? Burritos and guacamole! Everyone isnervouson their firstdayof school,but it canbe fun toget to know your classmates and teachers.WhenHannah saw this listofquestionswrittenon theblack- board inEnglish class, shebecame very nervous…would shehave to talk about herself at thebeginningof class? What should she say inorder tomake a good introduction?Whatwould you say in order tomake agood first impression? May I introduce myself? Pop Quiz: • What’s your name? • What do you like to do for fun? • What profession are you learning at vocational school? • How long have you been working? • How long have you been learning English? 8 Unit 1 Ihope it’sokay tomake mistakes… Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit einem interessanten Einstieg aus der Alltags- bzw. Berufswelt. Eine Mosaik-Aufgabe beendet die ersteoder zweite Doppelseite und ermöglicht einen spiele rischen Zugang zum Thema. Erklärung der Symbole Hörverstehensübung/Listening Partnerarbeit/Pairwork Gruppenarbeit/Groupwork Diskussion/Speaking activity Recherche/Websearch Portfolio in American English Die Interaction-Aufgaben dienen zum Anwenden, Festigen und Vertiefen von Lerninhalten. Sie sind möglichst kommunikativ und abwechslungsreich. Check Yourself dient zur selbständigen Über prüfung des Lernfortschrittes . Die Lösungen dieser Aufgaben sind am Ende des Schulbuches angeführt. Codes als Hinweis auf Audio-Dateien Im Schulbuch eingedruckter Code. Gehen Sie auf www.oebv.at . Geben Sie den Code im Suchfeld links oben ein. Audio-Dateien als mp3 zum kostenlosen Download 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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