zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Unit 35 11. 1. flat roof, 2. monopitch roof, 3. gable roof, 4. hip roof 12. A centre/middle purlin, B ridge beam/ridge purlin, C rafter, D eave purlin, E foil underlay, F roof batten 13. (im Uhrzeigersinn von 12 Uhr weg) centre/middle purlin, eave purlin, outer walls, rafters, roof tiles, ridge beam/ridge purlin 14. baked clay tiles, wooden shingles, stones, slate tiles, bitumen shingles, sheet metal Unit 36  9. 1.C, 2.D, 3.A, 4.B 10. Being friendly to customers; Listening to instructions carefully; Being interested in finetuning your skills at work; Being on time 11. 1.C, 2.F, 3.A, 4.D, 5.B, 6.E 12. d) Unit 37  7. 1. learning a new language or improving a language, 2. developing selfconfidence, 3. gaining experience  8. c)  9. 1.E, 2.F, 3.A, 4.B, 5.D, 6.C 10. 1. Volunteer programme, 2. Au Pair programme, 3. Work placement within your company Unit 38 17. letter of application, CV 18. 1. Find a job ad/job vacancy on the internet/in a newspaper. 2. Call the HR department for more information. 3. Complete the CV form. 4. Write a letter of application. 5. Send the application documents to a real person. 6. Get invited to a job interview. 19. I am writing to enquire whether you have a job vacancy in your company. Having completed my training as a bricklayer, I am now looking for a job as a skilled worker. I enclose my CV with this letter. 20. In the English speaking world you should not include a photo when applying for a job. Date of birth or nationality are also not needed in some countries because of possible discrimina­ tion. You should not send your school certificates, testimonials or references with your CV but take them with you to the interview. 178 zielsicher – English Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv