zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Unit 25 10. 1.C, 2.D, 3.A, 4.B 11. 1. Wir erwarten eine angemessene Entschädigung 2. Wir werden den Fehler wieder gut machen, sobald wir einen für Sie passenden Termin fixiert haben. 3. Bitte nehmen Sie unsere Entschuldigung an. 4. Wir bedauern allfällige Unannehmlichkeiten, die unser Fehlverhalten verursacht hat. 12. Stay positive and never get angry. Listen carefully and actively to the customer’s needs. 13. individual answer Unit 26 12. 1. cement, 2. aggregate (coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, admixtures), 3. water 13. 1. It has great flexibility and workability. 2. It has characteristics similar to stone. 3. It can bear heavy loads. 4. Building parts can be connected. 14. limestone blocks, Crushers, rawmeal, grinding machine, cylindrical furnace, clinker, admixtures 15. 1. Individual answers e. g.: Concrete – makes you feel at home! 2. Feel the strength! 3. Makes your home a special place! Unit 27 11. 1. formwork sheets, 2. beams, 3. framed formwork, 4. floor props 12. 1. clamp, 2. tie rod system, 3. waling, 4. pouring platform 13. 5 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 2 14. 1. Construction workers build the shuttering with formwork sheets or timber on the building site. 2. The shuttering is prefabricated from metal or plastic and brought to the construction site ready to use. Unit 28  9. 1. Generate as little waste as possible during construction. 2. Limit the consumption of water. 3. Optimise energy efficiency. 4. Make maximum use of recycled, recyclable and nontoxic materials. 10. 1. biogenic waste, 2. demolished concrete, 3. building rubble, 4. waste wood, 5. metal scrap, 6. packaging, 7. plastic material, 8. dangerous waste 11. The ecological footprint gives information about how many “Earths” we need, if all human beings around the world go on living like they do at the moment. It is based on energy consumption, waste production, eating habits etc. 12. individual answers, e. g.: I will always separate waste. I will often use public transport. I will rarely buy food from far away. I will never heat my apartment up to 23°C. Unit 29 12. Individual answers: Insulation reduces the energy consumption of industrial plants. Pipes are coated with insulation materials, which are poor heat conductors. Heat flow and heat loss can be reduced. A reduction of heat loss also leads to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. 13. Mineral wool, metal cladding, insulation, Flexible elastomeric foam, heat conductors 14. 1. mineral wool, 2. flexible elastomeric foam, 3. sheet metal 15. screws: Screws are used to secure the longitudinal seam. swages: Swages connect segments of the sheet metal cladding. metal cladding: It protects the insulation from weather and mechanical damage. 176 zielsicher – English Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv