zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Unit 21 12. 13. cohesive soil: silt, clay, marl; non-cohesive soil: rock, boulders, gravel, sand 14. 1. benching, 2. sloping, 3. shoring 15. 1. individual answers, e. g.: Caveins can happen when side walls break down. 2. Damaged underground utilities can cause electric shocks. 3. Water can accumulate in trenches and weaken walls. 4. Falling materials or objects can cause serious injuries. Unit 22 18. any of the activities listed in task 1 19. 1.B, 2.A, 3.E, 4.C, 5.D 20. 1. 23 2. The flight is delayed. 3. AA589 4. Newark 21. 1.C, 2.D, 3.B, 4.G, 5.F, 6.E, 7.A Unit 23 14. I have a sore throat. I have chills and my body aches. I have a bruised leg. I have an eye infection. 15. Nimm dreimal täglich ein Aspirin. Iss keine ungekochten Lebensmittel und trink viel Tee. Verwenden Sie diese Krücken, wenn Sie herumgehen. 16. c) 17. travel, covers, treatment/care, expensive, hospital/emergency room, doctor, prescription 18. Unit 24 10. 1. main course, 2. starter, 3. dessert, 4. beverage/drink 11. Dear Sirs, I would like to make a reservation for tomorrow at 8 p. m. Do you have a table for two? Best regards 12. 1. I’d like to order something to drink. 2. Can I have the bill please? 3. No thank you, I’m sweet enough. 4. Do you have a table for four please? 5. I’m sorry, but that was just not very good. 13. 1 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 4 Complete the cross word. Name examples for cohesive and non-cohesive soil. cohesive soil: silt, clay, marl non-cohesive soil: rock, boulders, gravel, sand How are these trenches secured? 1 benching 2 sloping 3 shoring Name four dangers when excavating the soil: 1. individual answers, e.g.: Cave-ins can happen when side walls break down. 2. Damaged underground utilities can cause electric shocks. 3. Water can accumulate in trenches and weaken walls. 4. Falling materials or objects can cause serious injuries. 12 A1 1 2 7 P E 1 F O U N D A T I O N S U X 5 6 A M C 4 2 C A V E I N 3 P L A N T 4 S U B S O I L X 5 D I G V 3 I A C 8 6 G R A V E L 7 U T I L I T Y A S T R T V O 8 C O H E S I V E 9 E X C A V A T I O N R N T L C E H Across: 1 Fundamente 2 Einsturz 3 Maschine 4 gewachsener Boden 5 graben 6 Kies 7 Anschluss/Leitung 8 bindig 9 Aushub Down: 1 Pumpe 2 Bagger 3 Graben 4 Schluff 5 Lehm 6 ausgraben 7 Sand 8 Boden 13 A1 14 A1 15 A2 What I can now do: ●● I can solve a crossword containing vocabulary on excavati g. ➤ 12 Ich kann ein Kreuzworträtsel,dasVokabel zum Thema Erdaushub beinhaltet, lösen. ●● I can classify types of soil. ➤ 13 Ich kann Bodentypen klassifizieren. ●● I know methods to secure trenches. ➤ 14 Ich kenne Methoden um Baugruben zu sichern. ●● I can name excavating dangers. ➤ 15 Ich kann Gefahren beim Erdaushub nennen. 21 Excavating the soil on site Check yourself 93 What do you say to a doctor when you have a problem? Ich habe Halsweh. I have a sore throat. Ich habe Schüttelfrost und Gliederschmerzen. I have chills and my body aches. Ich habe ein geprelltes Bein. I have a bruised leg. Ich habe eine Augeninfektion. I have an eye infection. Do you know what to do when a health professional tells you to do something? Take an aspirin three times a day. Nimm dreimal täglich ein Aspirin. Don’t eat anything aw and drink lot of tea. Iss keine ungekochten Lebensmittel und trink viel Tee. Use these crutche hen moving arou d. Ver enden Sie diese Krücken, wenn Sie herumgehen. What do you have to do if your passport is stolen? a) Call your family to get a new one. b) Buy a new one on the black market. c) File a police report and contact your home country’s embassy to get a replacement. Fill in the missing words? When travelling abroad, you should have some travel i surance. In the case of an illness, it covers the cost of your medical treatment/care . Otherwise it might become very expensive to go to a/an hospital/emergency room . If you have e.g. caught the flu, the doctor will check you and usually, you will be given a prescription for the pharmacist. Hopefully, this will never happen to you. Draw the directions. Turn left. Go straight ahead. Take the second on the right. Turn right. 14 A2–B1 15 A2–B1 16 A2 ✗ 17 A2–B1 18 A1 What I can now do: ●● I c n des ribe different illnesses and health problems. ➤ 14 Ich kann verschiedene Krankheiten und Beschwerden beschreiben. ●● I can understand the advice of a health professional. ➤ 15 Ich kann Anweisungen von Gesundheitspersonal verstehen. ●● I know what to do when my passport is stolen. ➤ 16 Ich weiß was zu tun ist,wenn mein Pass gestohlen wird. ●● I can apply words necessary to talk about medical treatment abroad. ➤ 17 Ich kannWörter anwenden,die notwendig sind um über eine medizinische Behandlung im Ausland zu sprechen. ●● I can give directions. ➤ 18 Ich kann jemandem denWeg erklären. 23 Getting help Check yourself 103 175 Solutions for the Check yourself-pages Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv