zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Unit 9 10. 1.E, 2.D, 3.A, 4.C, 5.B 11. 1. confront, 2. ignore, 3. discuss, 4. mediate, 5. discuss and confront 12. 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 6 – 2 13. report trolling, phishing and spamming, be careful when sharing photos and personal information Unit 10 11. b) 12. bookcase: living room, bedroom bed: bedroom cooker: kitchen sink: kitchen mirror: bedroom, bathroom desk: living room, bedroom wash-basin: bathroom fridge: kitchen computer: living room, bedroom wardrobe: bedroom bath: bathroom 13. individual answer, e. g.: façade, side wall, steps, patio doors, chimney 14. There is a corridor leading from the entrance to the rooms. The first room to the right is the kitchen. Next to it is the living room. There is also a small balcony. The bathroom is opposite the kitchen and next to that is the bedroom. Between the living room and the bedroom there is a small study. Unit 11 10. individual answers 11. b), c) 12. Country Nationality Language Austria Austrian German Bosnia Bosnian Bosnian Croatia Croatian Croatian Hungary Hungarian Hungarian Poland Polish Polish Serbia Serbian Serbian Turkey Turkish Turkish United Kingdom British English 13. I greet with a firm, quick handshake. I always have to keep eye contact, when greeting. Unit 12  8. Only with the company name followed by “Good morning/afternoon/evening …”  9. ANTON BAU It’s A for apple, N for Norway, T for tree, O for orange, N for Norway, B for blue, A for apple, U for umbrella NEUNKIRCHEN e. g. N for North Pole, E for Elizabeth, U for underground, N for North Pole, K for Kennedy, I for island, R for Robert, C for Charles, H for Holland, E for Elizabeth, N for North Pole 10. Individual answers. Example: Mr Miller has called today at 8:30 in the morning. Please call him back, it’s urgent. The material cannot be delivered today because of logistic problems. 172 zielsicher – English Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv