zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Preparing for an interview is essential. Nobody is having an interview situation every day! Read the following tips and decide whether they are true or false. Interview tips true false  1. Dressing well is a sign of respect.  2. Clean shoes, hair and fingernails … the little details will be noticed!  3. You have longer than 6 seconds to make a good first impression.  4. Act confidently, even if you feel nervous.  5. Never do small talk to use it to your advantage.  6. Prepare some basic answers in advance and learn them.  7. Learn how to sell yourself using the 5 magic words.  8. Don’t tell the interviewer about your talents.  9. There is no need to find out facts about the company as they will only ask questions about you personally. 10. Be at the interview well ahead of time. Which documents should you take with you to the interview? registration form certificates CV in English and German passport employer’s references 01 A2–B1 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 02 Word bank 01 impression Eindruck sell yourself sich verkaufen talents Talente 02 employer’s references Arbeitszeugnis Tip Take with you copies of your certificates, CV (curriculum vitae) in English and Ger­ man and samples of your work if you have them. Many British and American compan­ ies ask for testimonials and references so bring these addresses or phone numbers with you, too. ✗ ✗ ✗ Talking your way into a job Although Lukas feels happy he’s now very nervous. He has finally ended up on the “yes pile” and been invited for a job interview. Now his problem is what to do next to prepare for his first proper interview. What should he wear? What information about the company should he find out about? What should he take with him? What questions should he prepare good answers for? Who can he ask for help? What do you think you should do before you go to an interview? 166 Unit 39 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv