zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Name the documents you should send to a company when applying for a job. letter of application, CV List the steps of the application process. 1. Find a job ad/job vacancy on the internet/in a newspaper. 2. Call the HR department for more information. 3. Complete the CV form. 4. Write a letter of application. 5. Send the application documents to a real person. 6. Get invited to a job interview. How would you express that … … you want to find out if a company has a job for you? I am writing to enquire whether you have a job vacancy in your company. … you are looking for a job after having finished your apprenticeship. Having completed my training as a bricklayer, I am now looking for a job as a skilled worker. … you send other documents together with the letter of application. I enclose my CV with this letter. Name some cultural differences when applying for a job in the English speaking world. In the English speaking world you should not include a photo when applying for a job. Date of birth or nationality are also not needed in some countries because of possible discrimination. You should not send your school certificates, testimonials or references with your CV but take them with you to the interview. 17 A2 18 A2 19 A2–B1 20 B1 What I can now do: ●● I can name the correct documents needed to apply for a job.  ➤ 17 Ich kann die richtigen Dokumente nennen, die ich brauche um mich zu bewerben. ●● I can list the steps of the application process.  ➤ 18 Ich kann die Stufen im Bewerbungsprozess aufzählen. ●● I can write application phrases.  ➤ 19 Ich kann Sätze eines Bewerbungsschreibens formulieren. ●● I know about cultural differences when applying for a job in English speaking countries.  ➤ 20 Ich kenne kulturelle Unterschiede beim Erstellen von Bewerbungsunterlagen für Jobs in englischsprachigen Ländern. 38 Applying for a job Check yourself 165 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv