zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Look at these job advertisements and choose the job you are interested in. Underline or highlight all the information about the company in one colour, work experience required in another colour and personal skills in a third colour. Your new company We are a global player in the construction business and want to expand our business in the UK. Your new role We are looking for •• bricklayers •• form-workers •• drywall builders •• tilers •• floor layers •• pavers •• insulators •• road maintenance workers to support our team. What you’ll need, to succeed We are looking for reliable, stress-resistant and punctual people, who have at least one year of experience and applicable references and speak English at B1 level. What you’ll receive in return You will receive payment according to national standards, which will be paid weekly. If you are a hard working person there will be a chance of further promotion. What you need to do now If you’re interested in one of these jobs, send an up-to- date copy of your CV and an application letter, or call us now. Contact: Anna Smith Reference: Con 457124 Job ID: 123456 LAND SURVEY TECHNICIAN – DRAFTSPERSON (AutoCAD) We have a long history of searching jobs in the municipal, commercial and residential sectors. In this respect two companies are tasking us to find experts who are seeking a longterm placement. OFFICE SURVEY TECHNICIAN • Drafting maps (subdivision, parcel, etc.) • Creating legal descriptions for properties • Utilising coordinates for search and construc­ tion staking • Undertaking research into maps, documents etc. • Key competency required is good AutoCAD ability CAD DRAFTSPERSON • Preparing detailed drawings of architectural designs and plans for structures • Having a minimum of 2 years AutoCAD drafting These are immediate, full time jobs. The environ­ ment is busy and active, but not stressful. Individu­ als that work here, work hard, but overly long hours are not the norm. The company is willing to invest in development as well. Please send your application to: Sarah Winter Email: jobs@masterjob.com Phone: +44123456 The next step is the application letter: Match the English phrases to their German translations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ich habe mit Interesse Ihre Jobanzeige auf Ihrer Webseite/ in der gestrigen Ausgabe des (Zeitung) gelesen. Nach Abschluss meiner Ausbildung als (Beruf), suche ich eine Anstellung als Facharbeiter. Wie Sie dem beiliegenden Lebenslauf entnehmen können, habe ich die Lehrabschlussprüfung mit Auszeichnung/gutem Erfolg bestanden. Ich schreibe Ihnen um mich zu erkundigen, ob Sie eine freie Stelle in Ihrer Firma haben. Ich bin überzeugt, meine Fertigkeiten in … einbringen zu können und Ihren Erwartungen zu entsprechen. Ich bewerbe mich für diese Stelle, weil mir mein derzeitiger Job keine Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten bietet. Ich füge meinen Lebenslauf diesem Schreiben bei. Ich stehe jederzeit für ein Vorstellungsgespräch zur Verfügung und freue mich von Ihnen zu hören. A B C D E F G H I enclose my CV with this letter. I am writing to enquire whether you have a job vacancy in your company. I was interested to read your job advertisement on your website/in yesterday’s issue of the (news­ paper). As you see from the enclosed CV, I have passed the final apprenticeship exam with distinction/with merit. I am applying for this position because my present job does not offer any promotion prospects. I am confident that I will be able to use my skills in … and meet your expectations. I am available for an interview whenever it suits you and I look forward to hearing from you. Having completed my training as a/an (profession), I am now looking for a job as a skilled worker. 07 A2–B1 = information = experience = personal skills 08 A2–B1 162 Unit 38 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv