zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Listen to Armin, who is calling the HR Department of a company abroad. Find out which statements are true or false. true false 1. After four years of apprenticeship he became a bricklayer and formworker. 2. Armin has work experience. 3. His level in English is B1. 4. He should be able to work independently. 5. He is asked to send a letter of application, CV and the latest school certificate. Which of these facts would you put where on a CV form? A  Personal information B  Work experience C  Education/Training D  Personal skills E  Additional information F  Annexes D computer skills B last position in job D driving licence C new middle school A name C vocational school A nationality A address B, C employer A mobile number C/E seminars A sex A email C apprenticeship (e. g. bricklayer) F testimonial of employment D languages spoken at what level E awards C/E courses A date of birth F school certificates As a first step try to summarise your educational and professional story in your exercise book. PERSONAL INFORMATION see task 05 WORK EXPERIENCE dates (from – to), occupation or position held, employer’s name and locality, main activities and responsibilities, type of business or sector EDUCATION AND TRAINING dates (from – to), qualification awarded, education or training organisation’s name and locality, principal subjects covered or skills acquired PERSONAL SKILLS Languages spoken, at what level Communication and organisational skills, e. g. customer or team responsibilities Job – related skills, nowhere else listed Digital competence (list programmes you are familiar with) Other skills Driving licence ADDITIONAL INFORMATION presentations, projects, seminars, awards, memberships, References available on request ANNEXES see task 05 References available on request, documents and certificates to be brought to interview 04 A2–B1 listening e93nk7 Word bank 04 work experience Arbeitserfahrug pass with distinction mit Auszeichnung bestehen 05 education/training Schul/Berufsbildung personal skills persönliche Fähigkeiten additional zusätzlich annexes Anlagen testimonial of employment Arbeits­ zeugnis ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 05 A2 06 A2–B1 Tip Cultural differences when applying for a job in English speaking countries : • Annexes are things you should not send with your application but take with you to interview e.g. school certificates , testi- monials and references of employment or work placement • They should however, be listed only on the CV – with the phrase “available on request”. • You should not include a photo . • Sex, date of birth or nationality are also not needed in some countries. The reason is possible discrimination. • Check first with the HR department or company website, if a photo or date of birth etc. is needed, before you send your documents. • Hobbies and interests are most interesting to employers, when they show your personality, or they provide you with extra jobrelated skills e.g. creativity, environmental awareness, teamwork, social responsibility or time management. 161 Applying for a job 38 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv