zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

What are the best ways to look for a new position? in newspapers, on the internet, at a local job centre, job fairs, talking to friends. Look at the pictures below and describe them using the words in the box. apply CV form jump in at the deep end find letter of application call invite  job interview job ad(vertisement) write job vacancy complete send HR department Put the process of applying for a job into the right order. 3  Complete the CV form. 1  Find a job ad / job vacancy on the internet / in a newspaper. 4  Write a letter of application. 5  Send the application documents to a real person. 2  Call the HR department for more information. 6  Be invited to a job interview. 01 A2 02 A2–B1 Word bank apply bewerben job centre Arbeitsmarktservice CV (curriculum vitae) Lebenslauf form Formular jump in at the deep end ins kalte Wasser springen letter of application Bewerbungsschreiben job interview Bewerbungsgespräch job ad(vertisement) Jobinserat job vacancy offene Stelle complete ausfüllen Human Resources (HR) Depart- ment Personalabteilung 03  individual answers Applying for a job Lukas successfully finished his apprenticeship a year ago. Unluckily, his colleagues at the company do not seem to accept this and still treat him as trainee, no matter what he tries. Now, he is searching for a new position. He would be interested in working in a bigger company somewhere in a city, or maybe abroad. Do you want to stay in your company or search for a new position after your final apprenticeship examination? Do you want to gain experience abroad, maybe? 160 Unit 38 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv