zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

The sights of London British markets are really popular and they can sometimes be found in surprising places. One of them is Piccadilly Market at St. James Church in central London. Linda is browsing through a photographer’s stall. Listen to the dialogue. One of the photos is not mentioned. Which one? Circle it. Write the names of the sights under each picture. Tower Bridge Houses of Parliament with Big Ben Piccadilly Circus Walkie Talkie The Shard Buckingham Palace London Eye the Gerkin A lot of young people work in a country within the EU. Where do these people come from? Write the country into the speech bubbles. Which countries within the EU are not mentioned? Name them! Write a similar sentence for Austria! Mosaic Read the sentence below. What does it mean? A year abroad is not a year in a life, but a life in a year! 03 A2–B1 listening 2yv2wm Word bank stallholder Budenbesitzer iconic kultig, ikonisch awesome überwältigend unique einzigartig 04 A2 My country is famous for its breakfasts and its pubs. And the countryside is very green! Ireland I come from a warm country. We like to have a siesta between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. We love tapas! Spain I live in the smallest country in the EU. It is a group of islands! Malta Where I come from the winters are cold and dark. A country next to mine is not in the EU. Sweden If you come to my country you have to taste our beer, sausages and rye bread. Germany In my country you can find more than 1000 islands and a beautiful coastline! Croatia 157 Working abroad 37 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv