zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

What a roofing-carpenter has to do. Put the sentences into the correct order. 3  If not, order the wood from the sawmill. 5  Transport the wood to the building site. 1  Study the architect’s plan and discuss it. 6  Fix all the parts together and erect the roof. 4  Cut the beams, purlins and rafters into the right lengths and angles. 7  Arrange the toppingout ceremony. 2  See if the material needed is at the shop. With a partner, discuss which of the roof types you know are common in Austria. Find pictures on the internet. Where exactly are they? Are there regional differences? Find out on the internet about topping-out ceremonies in other countries worldwide. Choose one country and make a poster. Present it to the class. Hang all the posters on the wall. You can invite another class and give them a guided tour through the exhibition. Has your company built any spectacular roofs? Draw them and explain them to your class. Advantages and disadvantages of the different roof coverings. Read the text below and underline the materials mentioned. Make a list and add some more from your own knowledge. Then discuss the pros and cons with a partner. Many roofs in Austria are covered with tiles made of baked clay. Tiled roofs have been around for thousands of years. Tiles are very long-lasting and they hold up to strong winds and heavy rains. In the Alps you can see flat stones as an outer covering on old houses, but stone is a very heavy material that needs a strong construction to support it. Wooden shingles are much lighter; they are nailed to the roof. In some areas such as England or Wales you can still find many slate roofs. They look very nice but they are fragile. You should not walk on slate- covered roofs. Another way of covering the roofs of private homes in the UK or the USA is with bitumen shingles. These come in different sizes, are very durable and are not as heavy as clay tiles. If they are big you can cover a roof with them very quickly. Another cheap and light material for covering a roof is sheet metal. 06 A2 Word bank sawmill Sägewerk erect aufstellen topping-out ceremony Firstfeier 07 A2 08 A2–B1 09 A2–B1 10 A2–B1 Word bank baked clay gebrannter Ton slate Schiefer fragile zerbrechlich durable haltbar, beständig sheet metal Blech Useful phrases: … have the advantage/ disadvantage that … … have one clear advantage over … There is practically no difference between … and … baked clay tiles slatecovered roof 150 Unit 35 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum es Verlags öbv