zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Safety on the roof: always make sure to use these. Label the pictures. safety rope shoes that grip safety harness safety helmet safety helmet shoes that grip safety harness safety rope Roof basics: Read the text and underline the types of roof. Then label the roofs with the correct terms. The two main types of roof are: pitched roofs and flat roofs. However, most flat roofs have a slight slope, so that the rain water can flow down easily. If the slope is clearly visible, they are called lean-to roofs or mono-pitch roofs. This is in contrast to a dual-pitched roof, also known as gable roof, which is pitched in two different directions. Other roof shapes, such as hip roofs, gambrel roofs or mansard roofs are also pitched roofs. 1. flat roof 2. monopitch roof 3. gable roof 4. hip roof 5. mansard roof 6. gambrel roof 01 A1 02 A2 gable roof mansard roof  gambrel roof hip roof  flat roof mono-pitch roof Word bank 01 safety harness Sicherheitsgeschirr rope Seil grip greifen 02 pitched schräg flat roof Flachdach slope Neigung, Gefälle lean-to roof Pultdach mono-pitch roof Pultdach gable roof Giebeldach hip roof Walmdach mansard roof Mansardendach gambrel roof Mansarddach mit Giebel Up on the roof Tim is in his third year of his apprenticeship. He’s going to be a carpenter. He remembers that he was quite afraid when he had to climb a roof for the first time. Meanwhile he is used to it, but he knows he has to be careful and respect safety rules even more than in the workshop. What about you? Do you like climbing roofs? What safety rules are applied in your company? 148 Unit 35 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv