zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Work with a partner. Look at the pictures and the description of the staircases below. Fill in the missing words. Picture A: I can see a  halfturn  staircase. It is divided by two  landings  into three  flights  . The first flight has  three  steps, the second seven  steps   and the third has at least five steps There is an aluminium or steel  handrail  with the  railing  made of glass panels. The  treads  and  risers  are made of wood. Picture B: I can see a  straight  staircase. It has treads that are  clamped  into the wall but no risers. The staircase has neither a  railing  nor a  handrail  and leads from a room with  parquet  flooring to the next floor. In Austria, this type of staircase would  not  be allowed in a private house. Take the staircases of task 02 and find pictures of each of these types on the internet. Glue them into your exercise book and label the pictures in English and German. How would these staircases be drawn on a floor plan? Draw a sketch of each staircase and describe it. individual answers Listen to the conversation between Nala and her friend Peter. Afterwards, write down the advantages and disadvantages regarding the different types of staircases they are talking about . advantages disadvantages straight staircase you might keep the heating costs down in wintertime, since there is no need to heat this area requires a lot of space in a house; it looks like a room of its own, a bit like a tunnel spiral staircase stylish, requires only limited space inconvenient to carry up items to the first floor open staircase stylish noise 05 A2–B1 A B 06 A2–B1 07 A2–B1 listening d9g9sf 146 Unit 34 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv