zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Architectural draughtsmen or women draw them, builders prepare everything for joiners or carpenters to fit them or even build them themselves. Find out what parts staircases consist of and label the drawings. If you need help, look at the word bank.  1 tread  2 riser  3 nosing  4 step  5 landing  6 stair flight  7 height between floors  8 railing  9 handrail 10 inclination angle 11 ceiling 12 clearance height 13 flight width 14 waist slab 15 walking line 01 A2 Word bank staircase Treppenhaus stair flight Treppenlauflänge clearance height lichte Durchgangshöhe riser Setzstufe tread Trittstufe step Einzelstufe nosing Überstand landing Zwischenpodest, Treppenabsatz handrail Handlauf railing Geländer height between floors Geschoßhöhe flight width Treppenlaufbreite walking line Lauflinie inclination angle Neigungswinkel waist slab Laufplatte 13 15 1 8 7 9 6 5 11 12 14 10 3 2 4 Stepping up In her grandmother’s house, the staircase is in its own part of the building. Nala does not like it, because it is a cold and unfriendly place, especially in wintertime, when it is far too expensive to heat the whole area. As a child, the stairs leading down to the cellar even frightened her. Did you have a similar experience? Do you know any horror stories connected with stairs? 144 Unit 34 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv