zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Work in groups of three. Make a table with the properties of the different types of wood and what they are used for. Take the information from tasks 04 and 05 and do the same for the other types of wood in task 03. Search the internet or use the information provided by your teacher. With a partner, talk about the types of wood you have worked with. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and what you have used it for. Use the internet or a dictionary if necessary. Listen to the conversation between Raphael and Lisa and choose the correct options. 1. Raphael a) is in his third year of his apprenticeship. b) is in his first year of his apprenticeship. c) has already finished his apprenticeship. d) is starting his apprenticeship in September. 2. Raphael’s company makes a) wooden furniture. b) only interior walling of solid wood. c) all kinds of aboveground timber constructions. d) doors and gates. 3. Raphael’s likes his job because a) he loves to work with wood as a material. b) he loves to be outside. c) his colleagues are nice. d) wooden houses have a long tradition in Austria. 4. Raphael’s most exciting project was to build a) a traditional Austrian family home. b) a semidetached house for a large family. c) a log cabin. d) a modern wooden house for a family of five. 5. Which tree is Canada famous for? a) the spruce b) the tamarack c) the maple d) the juniper Find out about building traditions in other countries. • Where is it common or popular to build wooden houses? • What kind of wood is used in these countries? Why? Write a report of about 100 words. Include some pictures. With a partner, brainstorm all the parts of a house that can be made of wood. 06 A2–B1 07 A2–B1 08 A2–B1 listening tn9q78 Word bank interior walling Innenausbau solid wood Vollholz staircase construction Stiegenbau panelling Verkleidung above-ground timber constructions kon­ struktiver Holzbau log cabin Blockhütte juniper Eibe common verbreitet tamarack Amerikanische Lärche Algonquian Sprache der Ureinwohner Kanadas Indian summer, Canada log cabin, Canada ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 09 B1 10 A2–B1 142 Unit 33 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv