zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch
Find out some key facts about your school. Name and address of my school: individual answers In total, there are students at this school. The name of the headmaster is . My school offers courses for professions. In my class there are students and the classes are held . Look at the pictures below: Which rooms of a vocational school can you see? A headmaster’s office B teachers’ room C indoor building yard D computer room D C B A Write all professions that can be found at your school into your exercise book. In my school, there are … What is their profession? Listen and choose the correct answers. Person Profession Julia formworker architectural draughtswoman tiler Peter paver formworker bricklayer Murat tin smith electrician surveying technician Alex carpenter joiner floor layer Search the internet for a picture of your school and describe it. (see “Google Maps”) Define where classrooms, computer rooms, the headmaster’s office or the workshops/building yards of the different professions are located. In which rooms are the different subjects taught? Group work: Create a multiple choice quiz containing five facts about your school. Your colleagues have to solve it. Group work: Prepare a guided tour around your school. Include also a general introduction and find facts about the school’s history, special projects or student’s awards*. 04 A1 05 A1 06 A2 07 A2–B1 listening xx42y5 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 08 A2–B1 individual answers 09 A2–B1 example online 10 A2–B1 *award Auszeichnung, Preis individual answers 14 Unit 2 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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